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Authors : Satya Nandlal & Timothy Pickering
Title : Freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii farming in Pacific Islnad countries - Hatchery Operation Volume 1
Source : SPC
Date : 2005
Keywords : Freshwater prawn, Hatchery, Pacific
Authors : Satya Nandlal ; Timothy Pickering
Title : Tilapia fish farming in Pacific Island countries Volume: 2 Tilapia Grow-out in Ponds
Source : SPC
Date : 2005
Keywords : Tilapia ; Grow-out
Abstract : This training manual is intended for use by fisheries extension officers, staff or rural community development projects, school teachers or other people responsible for imparting good fish-culture practices to people engaged in tilapia fish farming in Pacific Island countries. Compared with Volume 1, Tilapia Hatchery Operation, this volume assumes less biological knowledge and has more emphasis on practical techiques for raising tilapia in ponds. This makes it more suitable for people who are new to fish farming, or who only want to be involved in the growout of tilapia.
Authors : Satya Nandlal ; Timothy Pickering
Title : Tilapia fish farming in Pacific Island countries Volume: 1 Tilapia Hatchery Operation
Source : SPC
Date : 2005
Keywords : Tilapia ; hatchery
Abstract : This training manual is intended for use by fisheries extension officers, staff or rural community development projects, school teachers or other people with some basic knowledge of biology, to help them impart fish-culture practices to people engaged in tilapia fingerling production. It can also be used by more advanced fish farmers who want to further improve thier skills and thier self-reliance by producing thier own tilapia fry and fingerlings.
Authors: Satya Nandlal and Timothy Pickering

Title: Fresh water prawn (Machrobrachium rosenbergii) farming in Pacific Island Countries: grow out in ponds (vol.2)

Source:  SPC

Date : 2005

Keywords:  Fresh water prawn, grow out, aquaculture

Abstract: Since the 1980s, freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) farming has been tried in  everal Pacific Island countries. Macrobrachium rosenbergii is the main freshwater prawn species used for commercial aquaculture because of its fast growth, attractive size, meat quality and omnivorous (eating both plants and animals) feeding habits. There is also good demand for it in domestic and export markets. This species is presently farmed and sold in Fiji Islands under the name “river prawn”.

Authors: Antoine Teitelbaum, Sebastien Lesire

Title: Farming Seaweed in Kiribati: a practical guide for seaweed farmers

Source:  SPC

Date : 2004

Keywords:  Marine algae culture, Kiribati, handbook, manual

Abstract: This manual aims to assist seaweed farmers in the Pacific Is-lands to successfully farm Kappaphycus seaweed. Kappaphycus alvarezii is a red seaweed, commonly called “Cottonii” and pre-viously known as Eucheuma cottonii. There are three common strains that are successfully farmed. The farming of Kappaphycus is well established in Kiribati, with production routinely around 1000 dry tonnes per year. Seaweed growthvaries greatly according to where it is planted, and so it is very important to find the right site for setting up the sea-weed farms. The problems involved in farming Kappaphycus include epiphytic algae, ice-ice disease, and grazing by herbi-vores, such as rabbitfish (Siganidae).
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