Details for Socio-economic Dimensions of Seaweed Farming in Solomon Islands
NameSocio-economic Dimensions of Seaweed Farming in Solomon Islands

Title: Socio-economic Dimensions of Seaweed Farming in Solomon Islands

Author: M.Kronen

Source: SPC/FAO

Keywords:  Seaweed farming, socio-economics, Solomon islands

Abstract : The major objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the socio-economic dimensions of seaweed farming in the Solomon Islands as part of a global review of the social and economic dimensions of seaweed aquaculture. Due to the available time and financial budget provided, the Wagina seaweed farming community, one of the four major seaweed production areas in the Solomon Islands, was selected for carrying out an in-depth field survey. The selection was made in close cooperation with the Aquaculture Division of the Solomon Island’s Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR).

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Created On: 10/07/2010 05:23
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