Details for Post larval Fish Capture and grow- out
NamePost larval Fish Capture and grow- out

Authors: By Cathy Hair, Regon Warren, Ambo Tewaki and Ronnie Posalo

Title: Post larval Fish Capture and grow- out

Source: Australian Government, Australian Center for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)

Date : 2007

Keywords: Manual about a new method to catch valuable fish and crustaceans Pacific islanders.

Abstract: This manual is about a new method for Pacific islanders to catch valuable fish and crustaceans (lobster and shrimp) to supply the aquarium trade. This new method is called ‘capture and grow-out’ and it involves three steps: 1) catching fish and crustaceans in their postlarval state, 2) growing, or rearing, them to a marketable size and 3) selling them for profit. This manual will explain the stages involved in setting up a ‘capture and grow-out’ operation and will help you decide if this business is right for you and your community.
FilenamePCC_solomon_Hair etal.pdf
Filetypepdf (Mime Type: application/pdf)
Created On: 07/03/2007 16:06
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Last updated on 12/16/2009 10:33
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