SPC Aquaculture
Increasing Agricultural Commodity Trade project calling for expressions of interest
Tuesday, 06 November 2012 11:34

By Avinash Singh

The European Union (EU)-funded Increasing Agricultural Commodity Trade (IACT) project (housed at SPC in Fiji) has now hit full stride with a call for expressions of interest from enterprises in Pacific Island countries and Timor-Leste. The project invites enterprises such as private businesses, associations, councils and non-governmental organisations to apply for assistance in improving and diversifying agricultural exports. There is also scope for projects that focus on commodities that will aid in import substitution.

Opportunities for the development of the Pacific islands’ mariculture sector
Friday, 02 March 2012 10:50

hambrey_maricultureThis 129-page overview report addresses opportunities for the development of the Pacific Islands’ mariculture sector in general terms. More specific analysis of opportunity in particular countries is presented in the five accompanying country reports (Cook Islands, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Republic of the Marshall Islands and Solomon Islands).

In their general conclusions, authors note that their broad ranging analysis demonstrates one simple truth: we need to get away from the idea that mariculture is good and should be promoted. It is an option to be considered, and, given its often demanding/high risk attributes, development opportunities must be reviewed thoroughly and impartially.

The key to this is:

  1. better development planning of mariculture within the wider processes of economic development planning and/or integrated coastal management;
  2. more objective and informed project preparation and appraisal; and
  3. probably a greater role for the private sector as a key partner in any government or aid promoted development project.

Throughout all of these processes should run the themes of more thorough and realistic market appraisal, and more thorough and realistic estimates of production, distribution and marketing costs.

Link to the PDF document (2.8 MB)

New Caledonia lobster aquaculture trials: The season is here!
Wednesday, 13 July 2011 15:50
By Antoine Teitelbaum

Over the last couple of years, New Caledonia’s provincial fisheries offices have aimed at implementing a small experimental lobster aquaculture industry based on wild Panulrius ornatus pueruli, which are mainly caught as they settle into the lagoon. In 2009, fisheries officers from New Caledonia had the opportunity to attend a study tour in Vietnam where they witnessed all aspects of the industry, from collection to grow-out in sea cages.
Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) are paying off in PNG inland aquaculture
Wednesday, 09 November 2011 09:32

By Timothy Pickering


There is nowadays a greatly increased level of private-sector involvement in Papua New Guinea inland aquaculture, which has stemmed from past government-initiated projects and demonstration facilities in hatchery and feed-making technologies.


SPC Aquaculture Section staff were part of a Training Needs Assessment team for the PNG National Fisheries College in Kavieng, which in July made visits to key PNG aquaculture areas and installations. We were already aware of, and have been greatly impressed by, the vigour and enthusiasm with which small-sale household level businesses or community projects are being based around inland aquaculture of tilapia, carp and trout.

Aquaculture health training trip to Western Australia
Tuesday, 09 August 2011 10:47
by Rarahu David

 In 2008, following a series of exchanges with Western Australia’s Department of Fisheries Animal Health Laboratory (FHL), the Biotechnical and Pearl Quality Laboratory (LBQP) of the French Research Institute for Exploration of the Sea (IFREMER), and the Pearl Oyster Department (PRL), Dr Brian Jones and his colleague, Dr Fran Stephens, visited the PRL-IFREMER-SPE (French Polynesia’s Fisheries Department) research station in Vairao, Tahiti. This visit allowed useful exchanges about diseases at pearl oyster farms but also about shrimp and fish diseases. FHL is, in fact, in charge of diagnosing aquatic animal diseases (except for mammals) in the state of Western Australia, and Dr Jones, the lab’s head pathologist, is an internationally known aquatic disease researcher.
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