- Aquaculture interests:
The FAO SAPA organisation is the Pacific region's gateway to global initiatives and networks. In 2002 the FAO governing body for fisheries, the Committee of Fisheries (COFI) established a subcommittee for aquaculture as a global inter-governmental mechanism for information exchange, consensus building and a means to advise and guide COFI and FAO member countries. - About the organisation:
The FAO office in Apia was upgraded to a sub-regional office in 1996, known by its acronym SAPA, and has since expanded its activities in the area of natural resource management in the South Pacific. The establishment of SAPA is a tangible reflection of FAO’s desire to decentralise and to bring its operations closer to its member countries of the Pacific.FAO has 11 member countries in the Pacific (Cook Islands, Fiji Islands, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu). FAO implements the Programme of Fisheries Assistance for Small Island Developing States (SIDS).
The FAO SAPA work programme is focused on six areas :
(1) Institutional strengthening and national capacity building.
(2) Enhanced conservation and management of EEZ fisheries.
(3) Improved post-harvest fish management and marketing.
(4) Safety at sea.
(5) Strengthening the economic role of national fisheries industries and the privatisation of fisheries investments.
(6) Aquaculture and inland fisheries conservation, management and development.The work programme will be used as a vehicle to assist the Pacific region to implement the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, which comprehensively covers the conservation, management and development of all fisheries, laying out principles and standards for establishing responsible fisheries sectors.
Technical assistance to the members is provided through FAO’s Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP), Special Programme for Food Security (SPFS) and TeleFood Special Fund (TSF).
- Contact details :
- Mailing Address
FAO Sub-Regional Office for the Pacific Islands FAO Private Mail Bag Apia Samoa - Website
http://www.fao.org/world/SubRegional/SAPA/default_en.htm - Telephone
(+685) 22127 - Facsimile
(+685) 22126 - E-Mail
[email protected] - Aquaculture Contact
Mr. Masanami Izumi
- Mailing Address