DocumentsDate added
Authors: Ruth Garcia-Gomez and Jeff Kinch
Title: Import risk analysis for the introduction of cobia into Papua New-Guinea
Source: SPC
Date: 2015 – new edition
Key Words: cobia, IRA, risk, aquaculture, pathogen, ecological
Abstract: PNG has little experience with IRAs for aquatic animals, and as there have been recent requests for the importation of exotic aquatic species for aquaculture development (e.g. the introduction of seaweed from Malaysia into Milne Bay Province). It is, therefore, hoped that this IRA will serve as an example (to both NFA and NAQIA) for evaluating pathogen and ecological risks associated with future proposals to introduce other exotic aquatic species.
The IRA presented here uses both a qualitative and/or semi-qualitative approach, depending on the availabilityof specific information, which was determined during the scoping exercise.
The pathogen risk analysis examines the potential risks of pathogen introduction and the movement of the species, and considers ways to reduce these risks. The ecological risk analysis focuses on the invasiveness and ‘pest potential’ of the species, and considers the likelihood that the species will escape and/or be released into the natural environment of the receiving country, and the nature and extent of any ecological impacts that such an escape (or release) may entail.