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Authors: Gideon Tiroba and Mahuri Robertson

Title: Seaweed quality manual. A practical guide for: seaweed farmers, buying agents, fisheries officers and exporters

Source: SPC

Date : 2006

Keywords: Solomon Islands, Seaweed farming, quality, manual

Abstract: This manual is designed for farmers, buying Agents, exporters and Fisheries Officers who play an important role in achieving the required quality of seaweed for export. The purpose of this manual is to educate farmers to understand the importance of good quality seaweed, the role they play and the benefits they can achieve. This manual also provides guidance for buying agents, exporters and fisheries officers for the roles they perform to improve and maintain the required quality of seaweed.

Authors: Natacha Agudo

Title: Sandfish hatchery techniques

Source: SPC/WorldFish Center

Date : 2006

Keywords: Sand Fish, New Caledonia, Worldfish center

Abstract: This manual is designed to help government agencies and members of the private sector interested in implementing any of these ways of increasing production of sandfish by outlining the basic methods for spawning and rearing juvenile sandfish. It builds on the pioneering work done in 1988 at the Tuticorin Research Centre of CMFRI (Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute) in India and is based largely on methods developed and applied

by the WorldFish Center (formerly ICLARM) in Solomon Islands, Vietnam and New Caledonia.

Authors: By Cathy Hair, Regon Warren, Ambo Tewaki and Ronnie Posalo

Title: Post larval Fish Capture and grow- out

Source: Australian Government, Australian Center for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)

Date : 2007

Keywords: Manual about a new method to catch valuable fish and crustaceans Pacific islanders.

Abstract: This manual is about a new method for Pacific islanders to catch valuable fish and crustaceans (lobster and shrimp) to supply the aquarium trade. This new method is called ‘capture and grow-out’ and it involves three steps: 1) catching fish and crustaceans in their postlarval state, 2) growing, or rearing, them to a marketable size and 3) selling them for profit. This manual will explain the stages involved in setting up a ‘capture and grow-out’ operation and will help you decide if this business is right for you and your community.

Author: Avinash Singh, IACT Aquaculture Officer

Title: Aquaculture feed import guideline for five Pacific Island countries

Source: SPC with the financial assistance of the European Union

Date: 2014

Keywords: Feed,Cook Islands, Fiji, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu

Abstract: Feed is a critical component for successful aquaculture. In many Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs) feed continues to be one of the major constraints limiting the growth of the industry. Several PICTs have trialled the production of locally manufactured feeds from locally produced raw materials and low-cost bi-products from processing centres. Some examples are tuna flesh or meal, pea meal, flour meal and copra meal. However, there are often limitations in supply due to seasonality, shortage of ingredients, and competition with other mature or traditional livestock industries, such as poultry farms and piggeries. This means that supply is inconsistent and sometimes expensive.

Author: Masahiro Ito, SPC external consultant

Title: A hatchery operations manual for rearing sandfish, Holothuria scabra, in Tarawa, Republic of Kiribati

Source: SPC

Date: 2014

Key Words: sandfish, hatchery, broodstock, spawning, larval, juvenile

Abstract: Presently, the sea cucumber industry in Kiribati consists of sporadic and intense harvesting at a given island lagoon until local stocks are wiped out. Businessmen and harvesters sometimes then move on to another location where stocks are abundant.

In February 2013, 120 sandfish broodstock, all juveniles averaging 90 g in wet weight, were imported from Fiji. The sandfish were quarantined for three months, and during this period no artificial food was provided (only natural plankton). After the quarantine period, the sandfish were divided into two groups of 60 animals each. One group was placed in a fish pond (Fig. 1) near the airport and the other group was placed in a concrete tank at Tanaea Hatchery in north Tarawa.

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