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ACIAR Reports

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Authors: Salote Waqairatu and Dr. Timothy Pickering.

Title: Confirmatory testing of the viral status of Penaeus monodon (Black Tiger shrimp) populations in the Fiji Islands

Source: SPC

Date: January 2009

Keywords: Aquatic pathology, shrimp, Fiji

Abstract: The objective of this study is to explore the possibilities of culturing P. monodon in Fiji by first determining the viral disease status of local P. monodon wild broodstock.

Authors: Margo Deiye, Ricky Star and Lucky Burramen (Nauru Fisheries and Marine Resources Autority) Satya Nandlal (SPC).

Title: Eradication of Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus), restocking of Nile tilapia (O. niloticus) and improved aquaculture pond management in Nauru

Source: SPC

Date: January 2009

Keywords: Mozambique tilapia, Nile tilapia, Nauru

Abstract: The objectives of this study were to develop and trial protocols for eradication of unwanted fishes, primarily O. mossambicus, in two derelict freshwater ponds; evaluate growth and production of O. niloticus stocked into ponds; improve capacity of farmers and government aquaculture staffs in pond restoration, restocking, feed production and fish husbandry skills.

Authors: Tauvae Sua'a, Satya Nandlal and Cathy Hair

Title: Experimental stocking and community management of tilapia in Lake Satoalepai, Samoa

Source: SPC

Date: January 2009

Keywords: tilapia, Lake Satoalepai, Samoa

Abstract: The major objectives of the project were to evaluate growth performance and survival of stocked O. niloticus in Lake Satoalepai, conduct village consultations to develop a comanagement regime for the tilapia restocking program; and conduct training to improve skills of SFD staff in skills for tilapia restocking including hatchery operations, fingerling grow out and transport.

Authors: Cathy Hair, Jacob Wani, Peter Minimulu and Wally Salato.

Title: Improved feeding and stocking density for intensive cage culture of GIFT tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in Yonki Reservoir.

Source: SPC

Date: January 2009

Keywords: cage culture, GIFT tilapia, Papua New Guinea

Abstract: This study, funded as an ACIAR miniproject. During the project research contributed to improve husbandry techniques, test a new diet, monitor water quality in the cages and use decision-making computer software to examine the economic feasibility of cage farming in Yonki.

Authors: Daniel J. Willett and Benjamin J. Russell.

Title: Building capacity for eel aquaculture in Fiji Islands: Assessing the juvenile Anguillid eel resource in the Navua delta.

Source: SPC

Date: January 2009

Keywords: Eel aquaculture, Fiji Island.

Abstract: Under the auspices of the ACIAR project FIS 2001/075 and in collaboration with the Institute of Marine Studies, University of the South Pacific (USP), a mini-project was established to support research into the potential of eel aquaculture in Fiji Islands.

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