Details for Productivity and constraints of fresh water aquaculture in Fiji
NameProductivity and constraints of fresh water aquaculture in Fiji

Authors: James Teri, Tim Pickering

Title: Productivity and constraints in tilapia fish and

freshwater prawn aquaculture in Fiji

Source: SPC

Date : January 2009

Keywords: Fresh water aquaculture, productivity, Fiji

Abstract: The pace of development in Fiji freshwater aquaculture has been slower than expected. The main objective of this study was to find out reasons for this, by gathering evidence on farm performance, and on farmers perceptions of problems. Fiji's freshwater focus is currently on tilapia Oreochromis niloticus, and prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii aquaculture. Representative freshwater aquaculture farm case studies were selected, to gather data on actual farm and farmer performance in "real world "conditions. Farmers were also interviewed to assess their perceptions about constraints to progress.

FilenameACIAR0507 Productivity and constraints of fresh water aquaculture in Fiji.pdf
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Created On: 01/05/2009 09:16
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