Details for Cultured marine ornamentals – what’s in it for the pacific?
NameCultured marine ornamentals – what’s in it for the pacific?

Authors: Antoine Teitelbaum, Jeffrey Kinch, Ben Ponia, Eric Clua

Source: SPC

Keywords: Cultured marine ornamentals, Pacific region

Abstract : There are concerns that extractive wild-capture practices might cause damages to marine environments. Evidence suggests that coral reef resources are, to some extent, resilient and that the trade can be managed sustainably, allowing it to contribute greatly to community livelihoods and revenue for governments. In the past few years, with the attractiveness of cultured products, aquaculture of marine ornamentals has begun to emerge as a viable commercial alternative for the Pacific region.


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Created On: 06/25/2010 05:31
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Last updated on 06/25/2010 05:36
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