Details for Seaweed quality manual
NameSeaweed quality manual

Authors: Gideon Tiroba and Mahuri Robertson

Title: Seaweed quality manual. A practical guide for: seaweed farmers, buying agents, fisheries officers and exporters

Source: SPC

Date : 2006

Keywords: Solomon Islands, Seaweed farming, quality, manual

Abstract: This manual is designed for farmers, buying Agents, exporters and Fisheries Officers who play an important role in achieving the required quality of seaweed for export. The purpose of this manual is to educate farmers to understand the importance of good quality seaweed, the role they play and the benefits they can achieve. This manual also provides guidance for buying agents, exporters and fisheries officers for the roles they perform to improve and maintain the required quality of seaweed.

FilenameSeaweed_Solomon Is_quality_manual.pdf
Filetypepdf (Mime Type: application/pdf)
Created On: 12/03/2006 15:53
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Last updated on 12/16/2009 10:33
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